
Showing posts with the label Class- 12 English

A Girl With A Basket- William C. Douglas|| Short- answer type of questions|| UP- BOARD|| Class- 12 English|| LearnTopicWise

UP BOARD, Class- 12 English Short- Answer Type Of Questions     Ques- 1 .  What did William C. Douglas do to know about the real feelings of the people in India? Ans- 1 . To know about the real feelings of the people in India, William C. Douglas talked to the English knowing Indians on his journey. He talked about world politics and the current topic of the day.   Ques- 2 . Mention the scene and things the writer saw on his way from Delhi to Ranikhet? Ans- 2 . On his way from Delhi to Ranikhet, the writer saw the flooded Ganga, rice fields, jungles, grass, trees, monkeys, villages, hunts, pumpkins, the refugee children, the baskets, the fans and the girl of nine years. Ques- 3 . Why were these children described as refugees? Ans- 3 . These children were described as refugees because their parents had been driven out of Pakistan. Having left all their property and houses they had come to India as refugees.

Class- 12, English Latest Syllabus 2020- 2021|| UP BOARD || LearnTopicWise

Learn Topic Wise UP BOARD (2020- 2021) Class- 12, Latest English Syllabus

The Song Of The Free- Swami Vivekanand|| Lesson- 10 Poetry|| Class- 12 English|| UP-BOARD|| LearnTopicWise

The Song Of The Free- Swami Vivekanand About The Poet- Swami Vivekananda was born on Monday, February 12, 1862, in a well-known family in Kolkata. His earlier name was Narendra Nath Dutta . His mother's name was Bhuvaneshwari Devi.  She was a well-educated lady. He passed his High School from a famous Institute of  Pt. Ishwar Chandra Vidhya Sagar . स्वामी विवेकानंद का जन्म सोमवार, 12 फरवरी, 1862 को कोलकाता के एक जाने-माने परिवार में हुआ था। उनका पहले का नाम नरेंद्र नाथ दत्ता था। उनकी माता का नाम भुवनेश्वरी देवी था। वह एक पढ़ी-लिखी महिला थीं। उन्होंने अपना हाईस्कूल  प्रसिद्ध संस्थान   पं.  ईश्वर चंद्र विद्या सागर  से पास किया। ***** About The Lesson- The poem, 'The Song Of The Free', composed by Swami Vivekananda disclose his faith in divine character and its ultimate goal on earth. He says that human life is full of suffering and difficulties yet we should not be disheartened. The world is full of pain and misery but one who believes in ...

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening- Robert Frost || Lesson- 9 Poetry || Class- 12 English || UP-BOARD || LearnTopicWise

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening- Robert Frost About The Poet- Robert frost one of the major poets of America was born in San Francisco on 26th March 1874. His father died when he was only eleven years old. Her mother was a poetess. His family went to England where he worked in a shoe factory.  अमेरिका के प्रमुख कवियों में से एक रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट का जन्म 26 मार्च 1874 को सैन फ्रांसिस्को में हुआ था। उनके पिता की मृत्यु तब हुई जब वह केवल ग्यारह साल के थे। उनकी मां कवयित्री थीं। उनका परिवार इंग्लैंड चला गया जहां उन्होंने एक जूता कारखाने में काम किया। ***** About The Lesson- 'Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening' is a simple poem composed by Robert Frost.  The po em  is about a man who is on his way home. It is a winter evening. It is also snowing and bitterly cold. 'स्टॉपिंग वुड्स ऑन ए स्नो इवनिंग ’रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट द्वारा रचित एक सरल कविता है। कविता एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के बारे में है जो अपने घर के रास्ते पर है। जाड़े की शाम है। यह बर्फ़बारी और भीषण ठंड है। ***** ...

My Heaven- Rabindranath Tagore|| Lesson- 8 Poetry|| Class- 12 English|| UP-BOARD|| LearnTopicWise

My Heaven- Rabindra Nath Tagore About The Poet-    Rabindra Nath Tagore was born on May 6, 1861, in Calcutta. He was one of the distinguished novelists and poets. His father's name was Devendra Nath Tagore. He was educated mostly at home. He wrote both in English and Bengali. His famous poetic works are 'The Gitanjali', 'The Grander', 'Lovers Gift', etc. रवीन्द्र नाथ टैगोर का जन्म 6 मई, 1861 को कलकत्ता में हुआ था। वे प्रतिष्ठित उपन्यासकारों और कवियों में से एक थे। उनके पिता का नाम देवेंद्र नाथ टैगोर था । वह ज्यादातर घर पर ही शिक्षित हुए।  उन्होंने अंग्रेजी और बंगाली दोनों में लिखा। उनकी प्रसिद्ध काव्य कृतियाँ 'द गीतांजलि', 'द ग्रैंडर', 'लवर्स गिफ्ट' आदि हैं। ***** About The Lesson- The poem 'My Heaven' draws the picture of an Ideal country where people are literal and enjoy all types of freedom they are liberal and broad-minded.  कविता 'मेरा स्वर्ग' एक आदर्श देश की तस्वीर खींचता है जहाँ लोग शाब्दिक हैं और सभी ...

From "The Passing Of Arthur"- Alfred Lord Tennyson|| Lesson- 7 Poetry|| Class- 12 English|| UP-BOARD|| LearnTopicWise

From "The Passing Of Arthur"- Alfred Lord Tennyson About The Poet- Alfred Lord Tennyson was born at Somerby on August 6, 1809. His father's name was George Tennyson. His father was also a well-known poet of his time.  अल्फ्रेड लॉर्ड टेनिसन का जन्म 6 अगस्त, 1809 को सोमरबी में हुआ था। उनके पिता का नाम जॉर्ज टेनिसन था। उनके पिता भी अपने समय के एक प्रसिद्ध कवि थे। ***** About The Lesson- In this poem, King Arthur gives the last message to his follower, Sir Bedivere , that change is the law of nature. It is necessary for the maintenance of the world. इस कविता में, राजा आर्थर अपने अनुयायी, सर बेदिवेरी को अंतिम संदेश देते हैं, यह परिवर्तन प्रकृति का नियम है। यह दुनिया के रखरखाव के लिए आवश्यक है। ***** Para- 1: And slowly answered Arthur from the barge: The old order changeth, yielding place to new. And God fulfills Himself in many ways, Last one good custom should corrupt the world.  नाव से राजा आर्थर ने धीरे-से  Bedivere को उत्तर दिया,   पुरानी प्रणाली बदलती ...

La Belle Dame Sans Merci- John Keats|| Lesson- 6 Poetry|| Class- 12 English|| UP-BOARD|| LearnTopicWise

La Belle Dame Sans Merci- John Keats About The Poet- John Keats was born in London in 1795. He was educated at a private school at Enfield and at the age of 15, was apprenticed to a surgeon. But he gave up medicine in favour of poetry. I n 1817,  he published his first volume of verse but it attracts little notice. He died at the young age of 26. जॉन कीट्स का जन्म 1795 में लंदन में हुआ था। उन्हें एनफील्ड के एक निजी स्कूल में पढ़ाया गया और 15 साल की उम्र में उन्हें एक सर्जन के पास भेज दिया गया। लेकिन उन्होंने कविता के पक्ष में दवा छोड़ दी। 1817 में, उन्होंने अपनी कविता की पहली मात्रा प्रकाशित की लेकिन यह बहुत कम ध्यान आकर्षित कर  पाई । 26 वर्ष की कम उम्र में उनकी मृत्यु हो गई। ***** About The Lesson- The poem is a sad story of a knight who had been bewitched by a fairy. He had met her in the plains and he was charmed by her long hair, her lightfoot, and her wild eyes. कविता एक शूरवीर की एक दुखद कहानी है जिसे एक परी ने पाला था। वह उसे मैदानी इलाकों में मिला था और वह उसके लंबे बा...

A Lament- P. B. Shelley| Lesson- 5 Poetry|| Class- 12 English|| UP-BOARD|| LearnTopicWise

A Lament- P. B. Shelley About The Poet- P. B. Shelley a great English romantic poet is noted for his spirit of revolt. T his lyrical genius and his powerful imagination. Inspired by the French Revolution, he opposed all forms of cruelty and oppression. कवि  के बारे में- पी। बी। शेली एक महान अंग्रेजी रोमांटिक कवि विद्रोह की भावना के लिए जाने जाते हैं। यह गेय प्रतिभा और उसकी शक्तिशाली कल्पना। फ्रांसीसी क्रांति से प्रेरित होकर, उसने सभी प्रकार की क्रूरता और उत्पीड़न का विरोध किया। ***** About The L esson- The poem 'A Lament' written in 1821, shows that Shelley, though only 28 at the time, realizes that he would not leave long. His youth had  deserted him, and he was now incapable of enjoying the pleasure offered by life and nature. The awareness of old age having come before it's time leads to a cry of disappearing. But the music of the poem presents the triumphs of Shelly's lyrical powers. पाठ के बारे मे- 1821 में लिखी गई कविता 'ए लामेंट' से पता चलता है कि शेल...

From "An Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard"- Thomas Gray|| Lesson- 4 Poetry|| Class- 12 English|| UP-BOARD|| LearnTopicWise

From "An Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard"- Thomas Gray About The Poet- Thoms Gray was born in London on 26th December 1716. His father's name was Philip Gray. His mother was Dorothy Antrobus. He was educated at Eton and at Peterhouse, Cambridge. He started writing poetry around 1742. His masterpiece work, 'An Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard' was finished in 1750. कवि  के बारे में- थॉमस ग्रे का जन्म 26 दिसंबर 1716 को लंदन में हुआ था। उनके पिता का नाम फिलिप ग्रे था। उनकी मां डोरोथी एंट्रोबस थीं। उनकी शिक्षा एटन और पीटरहाउस, कैम्ब्रिज में हुई थी। उन्होंने 1742 के आसपास कविता लिखना शुरू कर दिया था।   उनकी कृति का काम, 'ए एलेगी राइटिंग इन ए कंट्री चर्चयार्ड' 1750 में समाप्त हुआ था। ***** About The Lesson-  The poet mourns over the simple graves of those millions who were unknown and unrecognized. We should not mock at their life of humble birth, hard toil, and homely joys. पाठ के बारे मे- कवि उन लाखों लोगों की साधारण कब्रों पर शोक करता है जो...

On His Blindness- John Milton|| Lesson- 3 Poetry|| Class- 12 English|| UP-BOARD|| LearnTopicWise

On His Blindness- John Milton About The Poet- John Milton was born in London on 9th December 1608. His father was a lover of literature and art. Milton was educated at St. Paul's School and christ's Collage, Cambridge. He remained in Cambridge for seven years. He took his B. A. in 1629 and his M. A. in 1632 . 'On His Blindness' is the best-known sonnet of John Milton. कवि  के बारे में- जॉन मिल्टन का जन्म 9 दिसंबर 1608 को लंदन में हुआ था। उनके पिता साहित्य और कला के प्रेमी थे। मिल्टन की शिक्षा सेंट पॉल स्कूल और क्राइस्ट्स कोलाज, कैम्ब्रिज में हुई थी। वह सात साल तक कैंब्रिज में रहे। उन्होंने 1629 में अपना B. A . और 1632 में अपना M. A . लिया। 'ऑन हिज़ ब्लाइंडनेस' जॉन मिल्टन का सबसे प्रसिद्ध गीत है  ***** About The Lesson- 'On His Blindness' is a personal sonnet. It mirrors the firm faith of john Milton in god's omnipotence and generosity.  पाठ के बारे मे- 'ऑन हिज़ ब्लाइंडनेस' एक व्यक्तिगत सॉनेट है। यह भगवान की सर्वशक्तिमानता और उ...